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Capital Raise Service

Raise capital with confidence.

At Accelero, we manage the entire capital raising process. We determine your marketability and how much capital you need, then work with your team to clarify how you plan to use those funds.


We develop a roadmap to guide our work together, then help you identify and remedy any issues with your business that potential investors would question. Once we feel you’re well-positioned to pursue funding, we’ll pull together the appropriate materials and practice your pitch until you’re 100% ready.


Then finally, we will connect you with a developed, targeted list of potential, qualified investors.

What you can expect from us?

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Strategic Planning


Together, we clarify your goals and build a roadmap for how your company will prepare for, pursue, and obtain funds it needs to grow. We demystify the capital raising process.

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Deal Structuring


We help you evaluate potential capital structures and determine your funding and deal structure is right for you, while creating an offer that will also be appealing to potential investors.

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Financial & Operations


We build a complete picture of your company's financial performance and projections, then guide your efforts to impress investors.

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Marketing Material


We`ll build a complete set of materials funders will expect such as business plan, pitch deck, press packages, financial models and term sheets. 

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Due Diligence


We define the structure of your due diligence, so you are prepared with documents potential investors would like to see. 

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Pitch Delivery Coaching


Together, we will prepare and practice for your pitch so you can share your passion, avoid mistakes, and get ready for the challenging questions potential investors will ask.

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